Thursday, January 22, 2009


That would translate to "OBAMA-rama!" (ao ba ma)
(editor's note: the first character is the incorrect character that they have given for Obama's name but the right one doesn't exist in my computer's character list, leading me to believe China invented a whole new character for him. THAT is how cool he is)

The first paper with Barack and Michelle roughly translates to: "Life stirs in the Capital after a long sleep"

The second headline translates to: "What has Bush left for the World in Eight Years?"

I couldn't exactly say the excitement was palpable here in China. It was just another day. However, my Facebook page and phone were flush with comments and texts from my expat friends all very excited for the renewed hope and change. There were the expected "Inauguration Parties" at bars around town which was just another excuse to get people in to drink on a Wednesday night. I chose to watch from the comfort of my couch, power napping from 11pm-12am Wednesday morning to be up in time for all the festivities. It was equally beautiful and powerful and I was filled with emotion for my country, which I hadn't felt in a very long time.

Many have asked if Chinese people discuss American politics with me. No they do not. I also have pretty limited contact with well educated Chinese but even still, there is little political dialogue engaged in when I am with friends. I find that when I do get into conversations Chinese have very limited information about not just international events but also their own, for obvious reasons. However, every once in a while you find someone not afraid to be opinionated and when it happens it's poetry in motion. Such was displayed in this e-mail sent to Rohan (formerly special friend) and his colleagues by another Chinese colleague. Feel free to find your own significance.

Sent: Wed Jan 21 13:08:49 2009
Subject: Obama Inauguration Speech

Hi all,

Without doubt, Mr. Obama was and is surely a “world stardom”, who attracts people’s attention to see if he is able to rescue and manage the ailing American’s financial system; hence, the world’s economy will have an impressive turn in the near future.

Therefore, his inauguration ceremony and his speech would be one of the shining points in the world last night. However, due to the different time zone, you might miss out the great time to watch and listen to his great speech with full passion. No worries. I downloaded the video clip and uploaded on the L drive. You can have quick access to the material via the following link.

L:\Acquisitions\Inauguration Speech


1 comment:

matess said...

Yeah! My sisters, Francis and I were on the Mall for the inauguration and concert. It WAS amazing. People were so happy and excited. We danced, laughed and sang. Nearly 2 million people were there and not one arrest. AMAZING!