Saturday, March 22, 2008

Heartattack Survived, Innovation Realized

After my near heartattack today due to the undesirably close UCLA-Tx A&M game I am almost tempted to fly home just to be able to watch UCLA's tournament run on an actual tv. Due to the 9am Sunday game time in China, there was not a single live feed to be found in all of Shnaghai. And yes I know you can get the games live on-demand over the internet but my connection is too slow and my lovely mac doesn't come with the necessary plug-in to watch them any way. I was reduced to watching gamecast re-freshes on CBS Sportsline in a cafe with a much faster connection than my apartment. This is absolutely killing me. BUT my parents and I figured out a solution should I be in the same predicament in the future: Skype!! We did a test run and if they put their computer in front of the kitchen tv, which is small enough for the camera to capture the whole screen, I can watch tv live! Not ideal but desperate times call for desperate measures. I was able to watch Slick Lavin go through all the high/low lights of the game. Yes I'm crazy but I love my Bruins!

1 comment:

Kent Schofield said...

Necessity is the mother of all invention! Nice call on using Skype. You would have gotten a kick out of the Bus Stop yesterday during the game. It got so nuts after the win that I witnessed two unathletic dudes do a chest bump. I am not sure if that is good or bad thing, but I do know it was a helluva win. Go Bruins!