Sunday, February 24, 2008

Day??? It's School Time!

Tomorrow I will officially be a student again. Complete with an 8am class start time to boot. Woo. I was hoping for a reprieve of early morning obligations but doesn't look like it's going to happen. Ah well... Cest le vie. I guess it will keep me out of trouble AND from watching another 5 hours straight of Gossip Girl. Jeez...the brooding on that show makes Brenda and Dylan look like they went to Disneyland High! I bought my books today for the steep price of 135 yuan or about $19. Let's just say class should be interesting tomorrow considering I had a tough time reading Lesson 1. Hmm.....good luck to me!

Without school to fill my days I've spent my time exploring Shanghai and all it has to offer. Which is a lot. Last night I was at a very posh club and was having a fabulous time with my new friends but couldn't help but miss my dear friends and family at home. Not because I wish I was back with them but that they were here to share all the excitement that this city offers. The only way I can describe Shanghai is as a city where the whole world converges into one place. At one moment I can be walking down a street and know that I am in the thick of China then turn the corner and think that I am in Europe with cobblestone streets and sidewalk cafes filled with people sitting outside and enjoying a coffee or glass of wine (feel free to guess my preference) and people-watching. I can then turn another corner and think I'm in Manhattan in the middle of world-class skyscrapers, shopping malls and hotels...maybe that has to do with Shanghai Times Square but still. This city is a fabulous juxtaposition of old world and new and quite exciting to discover.

Here are a few pics of my apartment from the outside and surrounding area.
That's my corner apt and patio and my street: Da Xue Lu.

And here is a pic of Me, Elin and her boyfriend Jostein from a recent night out. Jos returns to his ship for 5 more weeks tomorrow :( GGW 2008!

One final note, I haven't joined a gym yet but plan to on Tuesday. I found a 24hr fitness. I love globalization. And in true China fashion the gym has quite the name: California Fitness- Yao Ming Sport! I'm eating Jackie Chan's dumplings and working out at Yao Ming's gym...Wow I must just radiate greatness :)

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