Saturday, February 16, 2008

Day 2: The Wal-mart Experience

It’s funny how you can detest and avoid something so much in your own country but once you cross the International dateline it can become your saving grace. Yes, my friends, I have embraced Wal-mart. No, not for it’s friendly hometown staff, slashed prices or treatment of women in the workplace but for the sheer fact that they carry Jenni-O turkey breast slices and Laughing Cow Light Swiss cheese wedges! Oh the joy that overcame me. I wish there was a camera. I must admit that I suffered a near breakdown only 30 minutes earlier when I felt trapped in my apartment, not knowing how to get around anywhere. Getting out of my funk I took to the street to explore. And where did I find solace?? Yep. Wal-mart. Not only did I pick up turkey and cheese but also many fresh veggies and fruit, olive and sesame oils, yummy fried sesame balls and Jackie Chan-endorsed frozen dumplings. Once I eat them I too will be Kung-fu Master.

My favorite acquisition of the day though came from the cute little old lady making fresh dumplings. They looked so yummy so I thought I’d pick up few for dinner to add to my fresh veggies. Using my best basic Mandarin I said, “Qing ni, Wu ge jiaozi” or “5 dumplings please”. She said something that I took as understanding and started pouring in the dumplings. When I said “Hao Hao” meaning no more please, she rattled off at me with gestures and words I didn’t understand and I tried to say I don’t want any more but she kept saying something and adding more dumplings. My basic mandarin only went so far and when all was said and done I was the proud owner of nearly 30 dumplings. With big worried eyes I said thank you and slowly looked at the cost: 4.5 kuai or about $0.75. Hmm…this is Wal-mart.

$35 later I was done with another successful WM trip. Siiiiigh of relief. I left carrying 6 bags and a Costco size package of toilet paper under my arm and prayed I knew how to get home. With only one missed turn I made it and indulged in very yummy dumplings, mushrooms and snap peas. I think I’ll be ok here :)  That was all for my second day. I made plans to meet up with a friend I corresponded with before leaving and met through my Roommate Erin’s boyfriend but jet lag kicked in and I fell asleep at 7pm to the third round of Pursuit of Happyness, logical choice when the only other movies at my disposal are Mystic River, Shoot Em Up and Assembly (Chinese war movie). And that was day 2. 

Apologies for still not being able to get pics up. My Internet should be up tomorrow. 

XOXO- Nicole

1 comment:

Jennifer Champion said...

I am so proud of you!! And not just for this China adventure but all of your many accomplishments. You inspire me and infuel my fire to follow my dreams and bravely try something new. You are such an amazing woman and I feel blessed to have you in my life :)