Thursday, May 22, 2008


In the midst of my sabbatical in China I zipped over to Germany for a week to attend the wedding of my dear friends Doro and Chad. Doro is my former co-worker at BV Capital and originally from Germany. Since this is a blog about China I won't write about my trip except this tidbit b/c it has to do with China.

So 2 days before my departure and the night before my parents' departure from China my wallet was stolen and/or lost. It's not worth the time explaining how but it was gone. And along with it went my credit card and ATM card, my chinese bank card, my CA drivers license, my access card to my apt building AND the formula for my hair color from my San Francisco colorist which I was finally getting done THE NEXT DAY!!!! I carried that damn formula with me the whole time and was one day away from taking the plunge when I lost it. Naturally, I got my hair done and it is now two toned from where the roots were showing and the previous dye job. Everyone who saw me right away faked their best "Oh no. I don't notice a difference." But I can always count on my former boss Tom who I saw a few days later to give it to me straight. He didn't even conceal the laughter and said, "HA HA HA I was going to ask you about that!" The worst part is that I paid a premium to go to a place that had "Paris" in the name and it came out looking like booty. Siigh.

Anyway. I luckily had my passport safe and sound and made it to Germany. Being the responsible young woman that I am I had a spare credit card with me. Again being a responsible adult I have never had to use it b/c it is my absolute last resort, only under dire circumstances, never-ever use credit card. Why?? Because it looks like this!!!!!!!!!
Notice the hair too!

Yes I had to travel all through Germany handing over an AMERICAN FLAG credit card. And it was no small flag. No no. It had to cover the entire card. There was no hiding my nationalism. This card was sent to me by my bank and when I was moving to China I said what the heck I might as well take it even though I will never use this awfully embarrassing thing. You should have seen the looks I got every time I had to hand it over. Which, of course, was a lot and always came with the obligatory explanation as to why I have an obscenely patriotic credit card. Why does God hate me?

Anyway. The wedding was wonderful and if you care too see pictures here is a link.

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